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Wave response time issues


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Anyone know if there is a standard approved wave / light flash response time?


Left the motorway today and something strange happened. As the penny dropped that the red car heading in the opposite direction had flashed its lights and was indeed a nice guards red 986 boxster, I lifted my hand to wave and acknowledge their greeting only to realise that the lady driving the car had now fully extended her arm and was signalling her displeasure (I presume at my slow reaction time) in the form of a prominent two finger salute. So as I drove past with a bemused look on my face, but waving at a car going the other way that was obviously displeased with me, it occurred to me how funny this must have looked to a third party bystander which only made things worse as I burst out laughing (in the car on my tod). I must have looked a right weirdo.

Thought I’d share this experience,  just in case there is a standard wave / flash response time and I’d missed the memo.

To the lady in the red boxster, I apologise for my tardy response and hope your day improved after 😂


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5 minutes ago, Darkstar said:

Don't worry it was probably @CAZ thinking she had met up with @John K and giving him her standard greeting. 

I tend to follow @John K like a little lost red puppy in my 987 - my standard greeting to Mr K is a hug ,as he is a thoroughly good egg and a Knight in shining armour when it comes to ball joints  (on my car - not on him ) and punctured tyres - plus him and Linda very naughtily paid for mine and Meno's dinner the other Sunday .

How rude of the lady in the red 986 - she is not fit to drive a Pork and if seen again by a BoXa member the member should

a) Break her rude fingers

b) Take her car keys off her and throw them in the nearest hedge / batch of stinging nettles

c) Depart from the scene with a two fingered cheery wave 😉

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9 minutes ago, CAZ said:

plus him and Linda very naughtily paid for mine and Meno's dinner the other Sunday

They did!  And it was jolly good of him (and rather sneakily done too)!

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b-star - a bit surprising, and a bit aggressive... maybe she'd had a bad day generally?

I have the other problem, by the time I realise it's a Boxster (as 90% are 911s who wouldn't even look at me) we've passed.

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3 hours ago, Menoporsche said:

b-star - a bit surprising, and a bit aggressive... maybe she'd had a bad day generally?

I have the other problem, by the time I realise it's a Boxster (as 90% are 911s who wouldn't even look at me) we've passed.

I never know if I should or shouldn’t wave, but I’ll often try. This was just bizarre though 😂

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I've missed a few nods and waves, so you're not alone, the joys of ageing in my case. As for the  two finger salute you received, I'm glad to say I've never had one of those. @Winter found a dog turd in his recently purchased Boxster, maybe he could arm you ready for next time?

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I often do the flash/wave thing but 9 out of 10 times I get no response, doing the victory V seems a bit over the top though.

i suggest we hunt her down and drag her to the RWB Munch for interrogation 

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