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Fabsil Demonstration


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1 hour ago, GTSMarky said:

Parked the car last night when it was raining having been to collect a Chinese - well it is my daily now!

This morning shows a good demonstration of the Fabsil treatment.

Fabsil Roof


Visible proof of waterproofing - very satisfying.

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Water beading like this is commonly taken as an indication of how effective a roof treatment is.  Which is odd, because as far as I know the waterproof layer is underneath the canvas exterior.

Can anyone who's owned a convertible from new confirm whether water beads like this on a brand-new untreated roof?

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1 hour ago, Required said:

Water beading like this is commonly taken as an indication of how effective a roof treatment is.  Which is odd, because as far as I know the waterproof layer is underneath the canvas exterior.

Can anyone who's owned a convertible from new confirm whether water beads like this on a brand-new untreated roof?

I guess anything that reduces the amount of water and contaminants penetrating / saturating into the roof material can only be a good thing... 

Even if there is an underlying waterproof membrabey.


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20 hours ago, moonshine said:

I guess anything that reduces the amount of water and contaminants penetrating / saturating into the roof material can only be a good thing... 

Even if there is an underlying waterproof membrabey.


I’d always thought this was just a third party product thing but I recently had my roof cover replaced under warranty and it also repels water in the same way. As someone else has said need to watch your neck when it’s like that as it as a tendency to run off the car when getting in and out ! 😊

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did mine this weekend, after some research I did some cleaning with a white vinegar/water 50/50 mix which I was quite nervous about, but it did a good job of taking away some of the "green" which was proving difficult to move (every time I've used shampoo/autoglym it looks perfect when wet, but then when it dries the green is still visible).  The mix this weekend seems to have been pretty good, and because of this thread I got some Fabsil from Amazon and painted it on as per the instructions.  Has come up pretty good I'd say - I just wish there was a magic fix for the creases)








The necessary beading shot..



Edited by Withy
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